
the new meat

Delicious meat grown directly from animal cells.

FL & AL Ban Cultivated Meat
Florida and Alabama criminalized cultivated meat. These laws do not protect consumers. It is “food policing” to protect entrenched interests, defying free market principles and limiting consumer autonomy for a product the food safety experts at USDA and FDA have deemed safe. Fight back: SIGN THE PETITION.

From the first taste to the final bite, our cultivated meat is flavorful, tasty, tempting, and dare we say, delicious!
We make the chicken chickens dream about! Our cultivated meat is grown in a controlled environment with no need to raise and slaughter billions of animals.
Real goodness. More UPSIDEs.
It’s science (but not rocket science).
Cultivated meat is meat grown directly from animal cells. Rather than raising a whole animal, we grow only the meat we want to eat.

We’re cultivating a more efficient, more humane, and more future-friendly way to grow delicious, high-quality meat for food lovers everywhere.
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